Newport for Newbies…

Your first week in Newport – especially when you’ve never lived outside of NY state – can be an eye-opening experience to say the least. My boyfriend doesn’t blog, but if he did, he’d probably have a laundry list of “differences” to point out between lil’ rhody and the big apple.  Since I’m his roomie now, I’ll graciously share what we’ve both learned over the past week – him being a complete Newport Newbie and me being a born-again, after nearly 6 years away in NY.

  • Things move a little…slower up here.  There’s just not the same “sense of urgency” that NY’ers have.  People live up here for the laid back lifestyle, which I’ll be the first to admit I adore, but every once in a while I feel the urge to say “move it along folks! (expletive deleted!)”
  • If you’re not from RI, you’ve probably never had an Awful Awful.  It might not even sound appealing but trust me, IT IS.
  • You’re just going to have to learn to view pizza in a new way.  It won’t be a staple food anymore and you’re not going to “grab a slice” like you used to.  Even if you do find a (rare) place that actually sells it by the slice, it’s sadly not the same.  Possible replacement meals include chowder, stuffies and lobster rolls so really, whose complaining?
  • The bars close at what time??  In NY, bars don’t close – or at least anytime that concerns you when you’re in your 30’s.  You’ll be long gone and fast asleep before “closing time” hits the juke box in NY, but in RI, you’re always staying ’til closing because if you can’t stay out until 1am, well that’s just sad…
  • Cabs around here are of the pedi variety. As in, they’re actually bikes.  Sure we had these in NYC but we also had about 10 million actual motor vehicle cabs racing through the streets at ANY given hour.  Here in Newport, if you’re not driving, you’re either walking, biking it or having someone else pedal you around.  Except for those few and far between orange mini-van things (newsflash RI, cabs are YEL-LOW not orange…) cabs are pretty much non-existent.  The upside?  I’m getting great exercise walking to and from work everyday and the view can’t be beat!

As a Newport to NYC to Newport transplant, I was prepared for the differences and am about 90% adjusted to being back in the good old Port of New.  I know it’s a lifestyle that I can get onboard with and it’ll feel like home again a lot quicker than NYC did. The little things like the friendly lady at the coffee shop, that bartender who remembers my name (and if I’m very lucky, my drink order!) and the nautical style I love so much remind me of why I chose to move back and comfort me as I get re-acquainted.  Although the adjustment may be slightly slower for my Newport Newbie BF, I feel confident that he’ll learn to love it just like I did so many years ago.  Now if only we could get a NY bagel shop and ban those damn “Yankees Suck” chants we’d be all set!

My Triumphant Return…

When I last left off, I was leaving NYC unsure of where I was headed but sure nevertheless that I was headed somewhere.  Well folks, I’ve returned to my twenty-something stomping grounds as an older, wiser, non-single, non-tray-carrying (or dropping) version of my former self.

The rumors are true – I am officially a Newport, RI resident once again! So how did I end up back where I started (ironically about a half mile from the scene of this blog’s masthead photo)?  The short answer is: I had a feeling.  I read the signs. I did what felt right in the moment.  I went with my gut.  I made a decision.  I made a choice. And here I am.  In the matter of two months I got a new job (SM/Digital Marketing for a social impact agency where my clients actually change lives, change minds and (attempt to) change the world), got a new apartment (a two-story, charming little place with a 200-year-old elm tree in the backyard) and somehow convinced my boyfriend to come along for the ride (I think).

People keep asking me if I miss NYC because really, it all happened pretty damn fast!  To be honest, this past week was the first time since leaving that I had a NYC nostalgia episode.  It came in the form of reading Emily Giffin’s latest beach read, set on the Upper East Side of Manhattan. And even though every NY’er without a trust fund knows that it’s never as glamorous as the book makes it sound – I still had an “ohmygod I don’t live there anymore” moment of panic…but then I looked up from my kindle and out at the Atlantic Ocean and rolling hills of Newport’s Cliff Walk…and got over it pretty quickly.

So as I attempt to resurrect the Allie Zog Blog, I do so with a new angle.  I’ll be blogging about returning to a place where I spent my post-college “glory years”, going from an independent NYC girl to a co-habitating Newport couple, and most importantly I’ll be commenting on all the unique, crazy, overrated, underrated, and downright awesomeness that Newport has to offer.  I’m one part local, one part tourist and one part NYC snob, so I guarantee to provide some pretty interesting commentary!  Join me, won’t you?

File Under: “I’ll Miss”…

As I try to get in every last NYC must-do before I end one chapter and begin a new one, I am constantly reminded of not just the specific people and places that I’ll miss but also of the NYC commodities in general that I likely won’t get anywhere else.  A few on my mind today…

Bagels – yummy, crusty, carb-y, so bad for you bagels.  My waistline will probably shrink, but I’ll surely be sad not being able to step outside my door and grab a good old-fashioned NY bagel WITH cream cheese.

Actual egg sandwiches – No I don’t want a “fegg” (fake-egg, duh).  No microwaved, cookie-cutter egg substitute patties please.  I want a NYC deli-made, bacon, EGG and cheese on a bagel! (also file under, “this is why your fat…”)

Riverside Park – My apartment on the UWS was quite possibly the perfect proximity to both Central Park and Riverside Park.  Most people prefer CP because it’s the obvious choice.  Its got Sheeps Meadow, the trees, the people, the hot dog vendors etc.  But my favorite outdoor spot near my apartment was definitely Riverside Park/the Westside Highway along the Hudson.  Walking along the Hudson offered a perfect view west across to Jersey (with some cruise ships in the harbor depending on how far I walked), north to the bridges and east to the fancy Trump buildings I’ll never live in.  My favorite spot was around 72nd street where a pier juts out into the Hudson lined with benches and a great view for watching the sunset.

Cheap mani/pedis, cabs, coffee and drycleaning  – AKA the ONLY things that are cheaper in NYC than anywhere else!

Stay tuned for my next post where I’ll share the places on my “hit list’ before I leave this crazy city in a few weeks!

Location, location, location?

I recently spent 5 days in Buffalo, NY and while there, I got some “inquiries” as to why I live in NYC and also whether I would I ever consider moving to Buffalo (it’s cheap! the foods great! I could have a huge house! The people are nice!). This got me thinking.  It’s true, I do consider location a key factor in happiness.  Afterall, location determines a lot.  Whether you have friends and family nearby, the climate, the food, the cost of living and really the overall quality of life.  But do I need to be in a specific location to be happy? Maybe, or maybe not…

On my flight home I got to thinking about why I moved to NYC in the first place.  There were a lot of reasons.  But probably the key reason was the image I had in my mind of what it meant to live and work in NYC.  The clichéd notion that living and working here would make me important, successful, rich and by association – happy.  Truth be told, I love telling people when I’m traveling that I’m from NYC, there’s a certain air of credibility and coolness that those three little words generally give off. Or at least in my own head they do…

So now I’m stumped. As I’m about to embark on another chapter of my life – I must know –  Is it the actual PLACE you live that’s important or is it everything else – such as the right job, loved ones, a nice house/apartment that make a place great?  One wise Buffalonian said to me “I’ve lived all over (he hasn’t really, but I digress) and I can be happy anywhere as long as I have a job and a nice place to live.”  It seemed so simple yet so true. Doesn’t it??

So I ask you, wise readers, do you think your location factors into your happiness or do you think if you have a job, a partner and a nice place to live, you can “be happy anywhere?” Let the debate begin!

Editors Note:  In no way does the above post mean that I am moving or planning on moving to Buffalo, NY.  Just pondering location in general my friends 🙂  As noted in previous posts, I am thinking of heading back to New England to reunite with my beloved Atlantic Ocean, Wicked accents and lobster rolls 🙂  But as you all know, anything is possible so we’ll see…

Rooftop Ramblings…

Where’ve I been? Well most recently, I was in Boston exploring the possibility of moving there.  Crazy right?  Will I really leave NYC?  I think it just might be that time…

A little background: Although I have loved living in NYC these past few years, loved being close to where I grew up and my parents, loved working in midtown Manhattan and feeling like I made it (ok midtown isn’t that great but still…), loved being in the epicenter of it all, loved exploring the city and especially my beloved Upper West Side, I’ve also been missing a few things BIG TIME. Those things include: my boyfriend (currently in Buffalo, NY); the beach (close, but not close enough to NYC); grilling and outdoor space (I am technically writing this blog from my rooftop, but A) I share it with about 50 other residents B) it’s 2 flights up instead of out my back door and C) grills are prohibited by NYC fire code); and New England in general.  Because of all these reasons, I am considering – or dare I say planning – a relocation to Beantown this summer.

Before I leave: One of my roommates suggested I write up a “before I leave NYC” bucket list and I think that’s just what I’ll do.  There are A LOT of things I’ll miss about NYC and I plan to share them here daily (or maybe weekly because we know I’m not the best at keeping up with this thing!) as well as things I’m excited about for my next adventure.  In addition, I want to do and see as much as possible in these next few weeks that I’ve always said, “I live here, I can do that anytime” about.  Even though I’ve been spending time in NYC since I was born, there are definitely far too many places (mainly restaurants and bars let’s be honest) that I need to get to before I go!

The first thing in the “what I’ll miss” series is the soothing sound of the jazz saxophonist that seems to be constantly playing as soon as the weather turns nice on the UWS and my rooftop deck, however shabby it is. 

Please leave your recommendations for me on places I must get to before I go!